
Gavi®: Automated Vitrification

The Gavi® automated vitrification system takes standard vitrification a step further by automating and standardising the procedure. The result is markedly improved consistency and reduced likelihood of human error.

With this system, there is minimal handling of embryos and eggs and greater control over procedure variables. And, because it is automated, Gavi® allows the embryologist to tend to other tasks while the vitrification procedure handles itself.

Eggs and embryos are housed in dedicated pods that form an essential part of the Gavi® system and boast certain advantages over the straws employed in standard vitrification. In addition, they facilitate faster cooling and warming rates, eliminate cross-contamination, and guard the delicate egg or embryo from exposure to liquid nitrogen.

Remarkably, labs using the Gavi® system are able to consistently achieve and surpass a post-thaw blastocyst survival rate of 95%—irrespective of the embryologist’s experience level.