

A meddőség globális méretű probléma, amely becslések szerint a párok 15%-át érinti világszerte. A Gynemnél mindent megteszünk, hogy az asszisztált reprodukció (ART) művészetén és tudományán keresztül helyreállítsuk az egyensúlyt. A keresés során alkalmazott elsődleges megközelítések az in vitro megtermékenyítés (IVF), az adományozott petesejtek és embriók, valamint a petefagyasztás. További információ alább.



There are many causes of infertility and they affect both men and women. For example, a problem with ovulation can prevent pregnancy, but we often find that there are a number of problems causing infertility.

In 35% of cases there is a problem with fertility on the woman's side, in 35% of cases it’s infertility on the man's side; in 15% of cases it’s a problem on both sides, and in 15% of cases the cause cannot be detected (idiopathic sterility). Since problems conceiving can be the result of a combination of factors in both partners, addressing infertility should always involve the whole couple.

Determining the Causes of Male Infertility

As with a woman, a personal and family anamnesis is compiled for a man. The main indicator of male fertility is the spermiogram - it will tell us, among other things, the amount, momentum and vitality of the sperm. If necessary, the fertility disorder can be investigated  in more depth through hormonal, genetic or andrological examination.



Most Common Causes of Male Infertility

It is usually impossible to discover the specific cause of infertility in men. Fertility problems can be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle or wearing underwear that is too tight and constricting. An unhealthy, polluted environment can also have adverse effects on male fertility, as can genetic and immunological factors.